Privacy policy


In this Privacy Policy, we explain how we process your personal data when you visit the website (“Website”), contact us with an inquiry via the Website regarding the products and services presented on the Website, when your employer decides to work with us, and other instances, which will be explained in the text.

Personal data is every piece of information relating to an individual whose identity is identified or identifiable directly or indirectly. For example, personal data includes your first and last name, address, email, bank account number, phone number, etc.

If the Website contains links to other websites or services, we urge you to get acquainted with the individual privacy policies of those websites or services.

Personal data processor

We are Mainstream LLC, Belgrade, a company based in the Studentski trg 4, 11000 Belgrade (“Mainstream” or “we”), and we are your personal data processor. This means that we, as the processor, determine the purpose and methods of processing your personal data. If you have any questions about your personal data that we process, you can contact us via email address:

Types of data we process and their purpose

We process a few categories of personal data in several different instances.

If you only visit the Website for informational purposes without filling out the available contact forms, we will not process your personal data.

If you contact us via the Website using the available contact forms with the inquiry about products and services presented on the Website, we collect your first and last name, business email, and the name of the company you work for so that we can be as precise as possible when responding to your inquiry. You can also provide us with your phone number (this is optional) so that we can contact you sooner.

If your employer collaborates with us, we will process data such as your contact information and job title to develop a business relationship, provide and charge for the products and services presented on the website.

We can process the minimum of your contact information to occasionally email you with any offers and benefits related to our products and services, for which we express a legitimate interest. In such a case, you can always request that we stop processing your data for the purposes of direct marketing by clicking on the link “Unsubscribe,” after which we will stop contacting you.

Purpose of processing and legal framework

Your data that we collect exclusively in case you fill out the contact form and express interest in our products and services so that we can respond to your inquiry or establish a collaboration with our clients (your employer), we process this data based on the conclusion or execution of the contract. We process the same data if your employer decides to sign a purchase agreement on the products or services presented on the Website. This is just so we could contact you for the execution of the contract and payment.

If you decide to leave your phone number to establish a faster and easier contact, you’re giving us consent to process this data as well.

In case we send you emails pertaining to any benefits and other offers that you could find interesting, we do that based on legitimate interest.

If we process your data based on consent given, you can withdraw said consent at any point in time.

Who do we share your data with?

We can share your data only with our partners who help or enable the sale of products or services (creators of apps available on the Website, partners who have appropriate IT infrastructure that helps us provide services.) We ensure that those partners, as our processors, sub-processors, or joint operators, are contractually bound to have access only to necessary information and take the required technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of said information under the law.

Protection of data integrity

We make sure that your data is secure. With that in mind, we have implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized processing, accidental loss, damage, or destruction. For example, we protect your data integrity by allowing access only to specific individuals within our company and using appropriate passwords that change regularly. 

How long do we store your data?

We collect and store your personal data only for as long as there’s an objective business need for it, after which we delete and stop processing them. 

For example, the data we collect via the contact form on the Website is stored for up to one year, in case your employer decides not to sign a collaboration contract with us. If such a contract is signed, we process your data for the duration of the collaboration. 

We process and use your contact information for digital marketing only until you click to unsubscribe in a specific email, after which we stop data processing.

Data transfer

We don’t export your data outside of the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

Your rights regarding personal data

Your rights regarding personal data are the following:

If you want us to provide a copy of your personal data that we process, you can contact us with a request for providing such a copy;

If you believe your personal data that we process is incorrect or incomplete, you can contact us with a request to correct or supplement such information;

If you want to have access and insight into your personal data, you can contact us with a request for access and insight;

If you wish to limit the processing of your personal data, that is – you want us to delete or stop processing them, you can contact us with an appropriate request, and we will comply in accordance with the law;

In cases where we process your personal data based on your consent, you can withdraw said consent at any time, based on which we will stop processing.

If you don’t want to receive emails informing you of various benefits related to our services, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each email. 

You have the right to request your personal data, which you submitted, to be delivered in a structured, commonly used, and electronically legible form, and the right to transfer this data to another processor without interference following the law;

If you believe it’s justified, you have the right to file a complaint to processing, which is necessary for pursuing our legitimate interests, and we will, if there are legal reasons for it, stop that kind of processing;

You have the right to file a complaint to processing of your personal data that is processed for the purposes of direct advertising, including profiling;

In case processing of your personal data is done automatically, you have the right to human intervention, to express your opinion on the decision made solely based on automated processing, or to challenge such a decision under the law. 

You can realize those rights by contacting us via email at:


The supervisor for personal data protection, to whom you can also file a complaint following the law, is the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Serbia.

You can contact such authority at the address Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 15, 11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, via email at or via phone at +381 11 3408 900.

Changes and additions to the Privacy Policy

If we decide to change the Privacy Policy, all the changes will be made public on this page. In case new changes to the Privacy Policy require new methods of personal data processing for which, in accordance with the law, we need your consent – we will ask for such consent.

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